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Amat 1700/10 - Endeavour America's Cup Kit 1:80

Amat 1700/10 - Endeavour America's Cup  Kit 1:80
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101,00 VAT included

Brand: Amati
Scale: Scala 1:80
Article code: 1700/10
Availability: Ask for information about availability

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Amat 1700/10 - Endeavour America's Cup Kit 1:80
Vincendo le prime due prove della Coppa America del 1934, la goletta Endeavour aveva messo una seria ipoteca sulla Coppa. La terza doveva rivelarsi la più emozionante. Purtroppo il destino non permise al pilota, Sir Thomas Sopwith di aggiudicarsi la Coppa America. La rivale Rainbow vinse con pochi secondi di vantaggio.
La scatola di montaggio contiene chiglia e ordinate in legno pretagliato; ponte e rivestimento in legno pregiato; doppio fasciame in tiglio e mogano; sovrastrutture in legno pretagliato e metallo; fotoincisioni; alberatura e manovre; vele in stoffa; istruzioni e piani di costruzione.
L: 48 cm.

########## ENGLISH ############
Having won the first two heats, the schooner Endeavour had staked her claim on the America's Cup, and the third race proved to be the most exciting of all. But destiny was not going to let Sir Thomas Sopwith to walk away with the Auld Mug. His rival Rainbow won by barely a length.

Kit features plank-on-frame construction with laser cut keel, frames and deck; double planking in basswood and mahogany; metal and wooden fittings; cloth sails; wooden detailed mast; brass photoetched parts; plans and detailed instructions.
L: 48 cm.


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