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Amati 1606 - R.M.S. Titanic Kit 1:250

Amati 1606 - R.M.S. Titanic  Kit  1:250Amati 1606 - R.M.S. Titanic  Kit  1:250Amati 1606 - R.M.S. Titanic  Kit  1:250Amati 1606 - R.M.S. Titanic  Kit  1:250Amati 1606 - R.M.S. Titanic  Kit  1:250Amati 1606 - R.M.S. Titanic  Kit  1:250
Usa la rotella di scorrimento del mouse per ingrandire l'immagine

€ 475,20 Sconto 5%

451,44 Iva inclusa

Marca: Amati
Scala: Scala 1:250
Cod. art.: 1606
Disponibilità: Disponibile

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Il RMS Titanic (o anche SS Titanic) era uno dei più grandi transatlantici insieme all'Olympic ed al Britannic della compagnia White Star Line.
Collaudato a Belfast, era considerato inaffondabile. Il mito della sua presunta inaffondabilità era stato creato dalla stampa e non dagli armatori (che non fecero alcunché per smentire la voce), ed era dovuto al fatto che il transatlantico poteva star a galla anche con quattro compartimenti stagni completamente allagati. Purtroppo la notte dello scontro con l'iceberg, i compartimenti stagni allagati furono ben sei.
Affondò nel suo viaggio inaugurale nella notte tra il 14 e il 15 aprile 1912. La sciagura, in cui persero la vita 1503 dei 2200 passeggeri imbarcati (morirono circa il 40% dei passeggeri di prima classe e il 70% di quelli di terza classe), suscitò un'enorme impressione e fu occasione per la prima conferenza dedicata alla sicurezza della vita umana in mare.
La sciagura del Titanic fu una delle più gravi tragedie marittime di tutti i tempi.

L: 107cm.
Made in Italy

####### ENGLISH #######

SS Titanic (or rather RMS, since she was carrying the Royal Mail), with her sister ships Olympic and Britannic, was one of the largest transatlantic passenger liners owned by the White Star Line.
Built by Harland and Wolff in Belfast, she was popularly considered unsinkable. But this myth was created by the press and not by the owners (who, however, made no effort to deny the claim), and was due to the fact that the liner was capable of remaining afloat even with four watertight compartments completely flooded. Unfortunately, on the night she struck the iceberg the number of breached compartments amounted to six.
She sank on her maiden voyage on the night of the 14th April 1912. The tragedy, in which 1503 of the 2200 souls aboard lost their lives (40% of first class and 70% of third class passengers), caused an enormous outcry and led to the first ever conference dedicated to maritime safety.
The Titanic disaster ranks as one of the worst peacetime maritime tragedies in history, and is by far the most famous.


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    •  01.07.2024 

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      Super! A+++

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      Great international transaction !

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